Saturday, 17 October 2015

Another Me Trailer Analysis/Theories

Another Me Trailer Theory Analysis

Barthes Enigma code:

The enigma in the trailer, is the mysterious figure always following the main character. The father of the girl says ‘She’s here, she’s always been here, in the shadows’ and as the audience we want to know who she is.

Todorov’s theory of narrative:

The equilibrium at the beginning of the trailer is the main girl going about her everyday life in her town with her friends. It is also being told in the form of snapshots. The moment of disequilibrium is when the girl takes a photograph of herself, and sees a figure who looks very similar to her in the background. The period of disequilibrium is the girl slowly going mad (cutting off her hair in a mad frenzy) because she feels like someone is following her. We then start to see shots of the figure behind the girl constantly, and the very last shot is of the figure right in front of the girl.

Levi Strauss Binary opposites:

The most striking contrast within this trailer, is between the girl and the figure. The figure is almost like a evil reflection of the girl, so they both almost represent light/dark (visually because of the figures dark eyes) and good/evil (the way they act)

Propp’s eight character types:

In this trailer, there isn’t any main character types. But from the visuals I can tell that the main girl would be the hero, her love interest would be the helper and the figure would be the villain.

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